Blue Ridge Mountains
Unbelievable Beauty
Mountain Scenes
It’s not easy to describe the beauty of the mountains, especially as each season changes. These photos help to show the beauty as we see it and give us something to look back on to enjoy and anticipate the arrival of the next season. Enjoy the journey for when you get to your destination, sometimes it’s time to turn around and go back. Sometimes the journey is the destination so when we get going, we’re already there.
A Late Afternoon Walk
The Blue Ridge Parkway was closed to vehicle traffic so I walked. The snow had fallen a few days before so now there was none on the trees. The snow still blanketed the ground in most places. The air was still. There was little to no sound. All was quiet. (1.13.2021)
This bridge is located on Hwy. 276 in Pisgah National Forest, just a few miles down from the Blue Ridge Parkway. It’s easy to miss the beauty of these bridges when traveling. Pulling over beside the roadway onto a pullout provides an opportunity to climb down the river bank and enjoy the sites of the rivers and bridges.